
Ninox squamipila
Ninox squamipila

ninox squamipila ninox squamipila

White-browed Hawk Owl, Athene superciliaris.Alalajeista lajeiksi on siirretty Ninox spilocephala ja Ninox spilonota. Uusia lajeja ovat Ninox rumseyi ja Ninox leventisi. Filippiineilt lytyi vuonna 2012 kaksi uutta plllajia ja viisi, joita on aiemmin pidetty Ninox philippensis -lajin alalajeina. Alban, France, might also belong into this group. Haukkapllt ( Ninox) on plljen heimoon kuuluva lintusuku. Comparative Toxicogenomics Database Organism Ninox squamipila. "Strix" edwardsi from the Late Miocene of La Grive St. CTD: Comparative Toxicogenomics Database Illuminating how chemicals affect human health. The fossil owls "Otus" wintershofensis and "Strix" brevis, both from the Early or Middle Miocene of Wintershof West, Germany, are close to this genus the latter was sometimes explicitly placed in Ninox (Olson 1985) but is now in Intutula. novaeseelandiae - prehistoric, might still survive Solomons Hawk-Owl / Solomons Boobook, Ninox jacquinoti.Russet Hawk-Owl / New Britain Boobook, Ninox odiosa.Bismarck Hawk-Owl / New Ireland Boobook, Ninox variegata.Speckled Hawk-Owl / Speckled Boobook, Ninox punctulata.Manus Hawk-Owl / Manus Boobook, Ninox meeki Click here for more information about the Red List categories and criteria Justification of Red List category Although this species may have a small range, it is not believed to approach the thresholds for Vulnerable under the range size criterion (Extent of Occurrence Jungle Hawk-Owl / Papuan Boobook, Ninox theomacha.Christmas Island Hawk-Owl / Christmas Boobook, Ninox natalis.Tanimbar Hawk-Owl / Tanimbar Boobook, Ninox forbesi.North Moluccan Hawk-Owl, Ninox hypogramma.Southern Moluccan Hawk-Owl, Ninox squamipila.Cinnabar Hawk-Owl / Cinnabar Boobook, Ninox ios.Ochre-breasted Hawk-Owl / Ochre-bellied Boobook, Ninox ochracea 392 Ninox scutulata 398 Ninox scutulata japonica 401 Ninox squamipila natalis 392 Ninox strenua victoriae 282 Ninox yorki 271, 397 Ninox ( Hieracoglaux ).Split from Ninox scutulata by the IOC Split supported by Clements' 6th Edition.Split supported by Clements' 6th Edition. Buruspkuggla Molukkenkauz Ninoxe des Moluques Indonesisk Hgeugle Molukkfalkugle Nnox de Seram Nnox. Split from Ninox scutulata by the IOC. Learn more about Seram Boobook Ninox squamipila.Lord Howe Island Morepork, Ninox novaeseelandiae/boobook albaria - extinct (1950s).Southern Boobook, Ninox (novaeseelandiae) boobook.Norfolk Boobook, Ninox novaeseelandiae undulata - extinct (1996).Little Sumba Hawk-Owl, Ninox sumbaensis.Note that the Northern Hawk-Owl Surnia ulula is not a member of this genus. Many species are known as hawk owls or boobooks. Ninox is a genus of owls comprising about 20 species found in Asia and Australasia.

Ninox squamipila